Sunday 19 June 2011

Buzzing in the Newland Allotments

This afternoon we joined a Yorkshire Wildlife trust event in the Newland Avenue Allotments. This is the largest allotment site in Hull, with 26 acres of land. While the kids were engaged in various bee-related activities we walked around the southern side of the site, which serves as a council nursery and wildlife area. Despite the weather, the site was buzzing with bees and other bugs. For the last ten years the area, owned by Hull City Council, has been managed to include wooded areas with young trees and lush undergrow and meadows with a variety of wildflowers and rough hedges at the sides with lots of brambles. It is hard to believe this place is in the middle of Hull as, although small, it has such a wild feel to it. A highlight was a female Nursery web spider carrying her egg sac on a grassy clearing.
 The allotments are open to the public on Sunday mornings from 10 to 12. These is a Plot Shop where you can get from small plants to produce and gardening stuff. The entrance is through Tavistock street.
 For more information on the allotments call Julia, the allotment association secretary on  07712161961 or email on
Male red tailed bumblebee on thisles
Cuckoo bumblebee
Female Nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis carrying her egg sac
Red campion
Hedge Woundwort with Anthophora furcata male
Flowering rose
A large partch of Oxeye Daisies with a Colletes daviesanus bee
A view of a meadow area

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